Friday, October 1, 2010

"Shuffling Off to Buffalo" - - AO Style

As we complete the holiest of periods in the Jewish calendar, we are also beginning the final quarter of 2010. When last I blogged, I was departing from Toronto and crossing the border into Buffalo.
That afternoon, the incomparable Renzo Nylander picked me up, and took me to the lovely event at the country club, attended by members of both the alumni and student chapters. Renzo should serve us all as a role model of what a true “mensch” is - - selfless, always willing to chip in, and someone that can always be counted on. Renzo has served tirelessly in his local area, as well as in the International arena, presently completing his term as a member of the International Board of Directors. Renzo is always happy to explain that his long-term commitment to Alpha Omega was indoctrinated into him by the friendship and loyalty extended to him by P.I.P. Ed Dweck and his wife Ruth. This clearly points to the importance of the “personal touch” in Alpha Omega, and how important the fraternal aspect of the organization is. Regular convention attendees have had the privilege of meeting, getting to know, and being inspired by Renzo, who has been attending Conventions for the last four decades. One of the reasons that I encourage people to attend Conventions is to have the opportunity to meet wonderful fraters like Renzo. Give yourself a special treat - - come to the Convention in San Diego many great reasons and have the opportunity to be inspired by Renzo Nylander! Perhaps you will inspire someone else like Renzo has throughout the years!
One of the real treats of being your International President is having the opportunity to meet so many wonderful fraters during visitations. The alumni and student chapters in Buffalo were certainly examples of that! Their evening program, chaired by President Jeff Goldberg, featured three student speakers, installation and my presentation and initiation of 22 new members to the student chapter. Student Chapter President Eugene Khaylofsky, the first speaker, has done a wonderful job leading his chapter to a higher level, by combining all aspects of our fraternity to encourage greater involvement. Having the opportunity to meet and listen to second year dental student Amy Panzok, our second speaker, was a special treat. Amy spent the summer in a program at Hebrew University Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, Founded by Alpha Omega Fraternity. Amy gave a terrific presentation discussing her two research projects that she was involved with, and is a great cheerleader for Alpha Omega, interspersing AO- related slides in her presentation. Amy profusely thanked all the Alpha Omegans who helped facilitate her trip to Israel, and was truly an inspiration to us all! Another student, Ariel Cohen, who speaks Spanish fluently, showed the “tikun olam” that we are so proud of us an Alpha Omega tradition. Ariel visited the Dominican Republic with a group from Buffalo, and volunteered his services in an area that was much in need of care. Blair Braunstein (PIP Steve Braunstein’s son and Secretary of the student chapter) was leading his student chapter’s fundraising efforts, selling molar shaped cutting board and miniature impression tray key chains( a great fund raiser, he will bring to convention). In another example of a second generation Alpha Omega story, Stacy Schoff and her dad were both at the event. Stacy is planning on attending the upcoming Leadership Seminar in Boston, in two weeks. As I have in all my visitations, I have been encouraging our past, present and future leaders to consider attending the Leadership Seminars, to learn more, both about AO and acquire leadership skills.
Buffalo Alumni Chapter President Jeff Goldberg acted as the emcee for the evening, and oversaw an inspiring evening of well coordinated programming. It was great to see 22 students initiated as new fraters. Marshall Fagin coordinates a very worthwhile community service program supported by our Buffalo fraters. They help staff a dental clinic to help the underserved population receive dental care that they otherwise would not. This program permits students to perform dental care under the supervision of licensed dentists, and is another fine example of GOHI- style projects that so many of our local chapters have been conducting for many years.
Of course, no mention of the Buffalo chapter would be complete without a mention of Renzo Nylander and his annual visits to Ghana to serve the many underserved in that needy nation. I would also feel remiss if I did not thank P.I.P Steve Braunstein for all his assistance prior to my visit, his advice throughout this year, and for taking me on a tour of Buffalo, and being such a wonderful host. After taking me on this late night tour, Steve insisted that I return to his house, where Terri and he were incredible hosts. I have known Steve for many years, and we still laugh about the time at the Dearborn (Feel the Warmth) Convention that Richard had to jumpstart Steve’s diesel car. I left Buffalo early the next morning, and flew back to New York to see some patients.Work, ugh!!!
The week was a typical busy Alpha Omega week, with lots of discussions, phoning, conference calls, e-mails, etc. It was great to see that International President-Elect Michael Tenenbaum, working so hard on the final touches for the Boston Leadership Convention.
Please remember our two major events coming up this corner.
(1) In Boston, on the weekend of October 15-17th, the Boston alumni chapter is sponsoring Steve Anderson’s seminar on Friday, and, under the leadership of Mike Tenenbaum, the Leadership Seminar will be held on Saturday and Sunday. If you receive E-Blasts, you have received information about these programs, and, for more information e-mail Mike Tenenbaum at:, or call our International Headquarters at: (877) MRS-TINT.
(2) If you have not yet done so, plan on joining all our great fraters like Renzo, at our International Convention in San Diego, from December 25th to January 1st. Convention Marshal Bob Simon and his committee have created an incredible event. If you really want to know why it is so important to be a member of Alpha Omega, and you want to feel really good about belonging, while enjoying a great week, join us at Convention. The Hyatt Regency Mission Bay’s special AO Convention rate of only $149 per night is just one of the great values extended at this program. Go to the convention website at: to get detailed information, as well as a link to register. I hope to see you there!

Have a great week!


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